Greetings on Winter Solstice:
We often talk about the Tai Chi symbol representing the balance between Yin and Yang energy. This balance occurs in our bodies with energy from the earth (yin) in our lower Dan Tian and energy from the heavens or universe (yang) in our upper Dan Tian. And then the two mixing in our heart center.
This symbol is universal, it represents the mix of energy in our universe, the duality that we live and exist in. The symbol even represents the different seasons that we experience throughout the cycle of the year.
We are currently approaching the Winter Solstice on December 22nd, 2014. At this point we will have the strongest force of Yin energy surrounding us. If you look at the diagram of the Yin/Yang symbol (Tai Chi) you will notice this is the point of the most black on the symbol. At Winter Solstice, we begin to bring Yang energy back into our universe a little more each day, until we reach Summer Solstice at which point there is the strongest level of Yang energy. This cycle is seen in nature and in our bodies. The seasons are also represented in the cardinal directions on earth, in the northern hemisphere they are as follows:
North = winter, night, passing, seed, re-design, courage, water
East = spring, morning, birth, sprout, invent, clarity, wood
South = summer, noon, growth, leaf-bloom, build, joy, fire
West = autumn, evening, maturity, fruit harvest, market, caring, metal